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The World is getting heavier, and India leads the way again!!

Written By Nutritionist Eesha Vahikar

The rising burden of Obesity is a huge threat to both developed and developing countries. According to the World Health Organization in 2008, over 1.4 billion adults were overweight and more than half a billion were obese. A recent study from New Delhi examined Preschoolers, adolescents, and adult Women in six Asian countries, one of which is India. It has doubled and the Prevalence of Obesity is almost 2.4% to 6%.

So what are the Treatments for Obesity? Obesity can happen for a number of reasons, including diet, a sedentary lifestyle, Genetic factors, A health condition, Or certain use of medications.

1) Dietary Changes

The main reason why excess weight or fat gets accumulated is when a person is taking in calories that are not required. Reducing the intake of Processed and Refined foods or ready-made food that is high in sugar and fat. Increasing the consumption of whole grains and other high fiber foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables can help a person to lose weight. Avoid Crash dieting!

Trying to lose weight quickly by crash-dieting carries certain risks ● New health problems may develop. ● Vitamin deficiencies can occur. ● It is difficult to achieve healthy weight loss.

2) Physical Inactivity

While the body does burn some calories even when a person is just sitting or sleeping, For many people the more active they are, the more calories they will burn. To lose a pound of fat a person needs to burn 3,500 kcal.

A good way of starting is ● Walking Briskly

● Swimming

● Using the stairs instead of elevators

● Try to walk home after work if you live nearby.

A 60-90 min of moderately intensive activity is suggested. A person who is not in the habit of exercising should never start with strenuous activity, as it can pose a health risk.

3) Weight loss Medications.

A doctor will sometimes prescribe medication, such as Orlast(Xenical) to help a person lose weight. However, they usually prescribe it if, ● Dietary changes and exercise have not resulted in weight loss due to morbid obesity(BMI is above 40) ● The person’s weight poses a certain threat to their health.

The NIN( National Institue of Nutrition) tells that people should use medication alongside a low-calorie diet.

4) Surgery

It is known as weight loss surgery or Bariatric surgery, this usually involves removing or changing a part of a person’s stomach and small intestine so that they do not consume as much food and hence, do not absorb many calories like before. This helps the individual to lose weight and also reduce the risk of high blood pressure, Type 2 diabetes, etc.

5) Hormonal Treatment

Hormonal Treatment may help people in dealing with obesity! A study done in 2014 suggests the success of bariatric surgery may be the impact it has on the gut hormones. Combining certain hormones may provide an effective weight loss.

Takeaway Help is available for people concerned about obesity from both Dieticians/Nutritionists and Even Doctors! A change in diet and increase in exercise can help in many cases!

Written By Nutritionist Eesha Vahikar



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