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Kanha Gaushala

It is rightly said that learning is like a cow of desire; it, like her, yields in all seasons. Cows are amongst the gentlest of breathing creatures; none show more passionate tenderness to their young when deprived of them. This time we bring to you the story of the organization which depicts the epitome of devotion, care and passion towards these creatures; Kanha Gaushala.

Kanha Gaushala is an abode to 300 Desi Gir and Sahiwal Cows and is a sole women-run Gaushala that delivers its products across PAN India. Kanha Gaushala is also a model for the biggest Fodder Research Institute of Asia. The Gaushala is primarily managed by Mrs. Tanya Bansal now. Tanya was born in Delhi, lived in the United States of America and again came back to Delhi. She completed her C.A., worked with the renowned brand EY and gradually shifted to Jhansi after she got married in 2018. Her in-laws had a school that catered to the concerns of the underprivileged and Tanya had an amazing opportunity to take in-charge of the same. She paid attention to the day-to-day activities and operations of the school. She was not associated with Gaushala initially as her father-in-law, Mr. Rajesh Bansal used to manage the functionality of the Gaushala as a whole. Gradually, Tanya learned about the problems that the Gaushala was facing- labor intensiveness and manpower requirement. Ladies around the school and Gaushala were facing a lot of issues like divorce, domestic violence, and bearing the responsibility of being the sole bread-earning person of the family; which hit Tanya real hard. She eventually started visiting the Gaushala with an aim to resolve the problems and initiate the future offerings of the same and thus the real journey began in the year of 2019.

Tanya’s father-in-law has been her consistent inspiration. She was startled by his simple philosophy, “we take care of Desi Cows however we can without taking any funds from outside” and how he used to visit the Gaushala every day to take care of all the cows and calves. Tanya always wondered what drove him to go to Gaushala daily and his philosophy was her motivation. Occasionally, she used to accompany her father-in-law to the Gaushala as well and used to pet and feed the cows. One thing which used to push her to visit the Gaushala every time was the positivity that she used to sense from the cows which made her believe that this entire idea of commercialization of Gaushala was right to go ahead with as initially the product distribution of Gaushala was limited to the local markets.

Tanya’s mother-in-law, Mrs. Sudha Bansal used to mention always “गौ माता में सारे देवी-देवताओं का वास है”, which as a reflection made her fall in love with the cows and the Gaushala housing them. They started the journey of commercialization of Gaushala from scratch and the team has been fortunately successful in going forward. The plan of commercialization of Gaushala’s product was never on the road map before and it evolved gradually.

The launch of the first product of Kanha Gaushala which is Shreem Panchkavya Diya attracted a lot of attention from Bollywood families as well as royal families due to its uniqueness. The diya is made up of natural ingredients obtained from Desi Cows of the Gaushala. The diyas act like a mini Hawan since the diyas burn out completely leaving only ash residue. The team tries to impregnate Vedic science to modern requirements.

Tanya says, “गौ माता has been very kind to us and we haven’t faced any barrier or obstacle as such”. There was a problem for Tanya while transitioning from English to local dialect for communication purposes but with time, she learned that with grace as well. Kanha Gaushala has never been a one-man army but rather backed up by a reliable team. She embraces the presence of her women team at the Gaushala whose work ethic, enthusiasm, devotion, and care towards cows has always been serene. She expresses her gratitude for her husband, Mr. Yasho Vardhan Bansal, and both her families who have always motivated her to learn more and excel more. Moreover, she is thankful for the entire Instagram family of Kanha Gaushala which gave them the platform to establish themselves adhering to the #vocalforlocal trend, gain popularity, and generate the majority of order sources.

When one looks deep into nature, everything can be understood better. The cows have their own rhythm, for those who listen. And the one who listens adapts to positivity as an aspect.

A personal message from Mrs. Tanya Bansal, “this is my heartfelt request to everyone reading this, let's all support Desi cows and Gaushalas having Desi cows. The Gaushala (of Desi cows) can only break even if we buy their milk at Rs 120/liter. The bigger companies have their financials and customer base worked out, it's up to us, the "new generation" to understand the purity of products and the thoughts behind them.”

-Team Satyvachan


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